Letter to Chrystia Freeland on Genetic Non-Discrimination Bill (S-201)

Dear Minister:

I am one of your constituents in Toronto and write to you with my strong support for the Genetic Non-Discrimination Bill, S-201.

I run a genomics research lab at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. To prevent and better treat genomic diseases like cancer and congenital childhood diseases, we need genetic data from patients. While advances in technology makes it easier and cheaper to get this data, fears of how the information might be misused remain a roadblock to wide adoption and slow research.

Genetic testing can, quite literally, save lives. We should do whatever we can to enable patient participation in genetic testing.

It is time for Canada to join other leading countries like the U.S. and UK in protecting patients from the misuse of their genetic information. I urge you to support S-201.

I would appreciate a response.

Sincerely yours,

Michael M. Hoffman, PhD
Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Toronto Medical Discovery Tower 11–311
101 College St
Toronto, ON M5G 1L7

